Who is the fairest?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

the host musters summary

The main idea of this chapter was that at the beggining Agamemnon said that achilles wase'nt ready ("...while you sit at ease"(p.52).)for battle but when the Trojan allies

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Zeus:"...ruler of gods and men"(p.3).

Thetis:"...as hard to catch as the sun on the dancing water"(p.3-p.4).

Peleus:"...a stately marriage feast for thetis and peleus..."(p.4).

Hera:"there was stately Herea, queen of the gods..."(p.6).

Athene:"...gray eyed athene stood before him in her simple dress"(p.8).

Aphrodite:"...white feet grew heavily-scented narcissi and golden daffodills"(p.10).

Priam:"what is the life of one child..."(p.6).

Hecuba:"...queen Hecuba..."(p.6).

Paris:"...yellow hair clustard from beneth it round brown face..."(p.12).

Discord:"...the evil goddess, dark discord..."(p.4).

Iphigema:"The poor girl came full of eagerness..."(p.29).

Iphigema was promesed to be married to Achilles. "The poor girl came full of eagerness..." but when she came out king Agamemnon said insted of being married she was to be killed. But before the blade came down her spirit was wisked away by Artemis.

Agamemnon:"...could not bear the reproch of failure..."(p.?).

King Agamemnonwas full of pride. He "...could not beqar the reproach of failure...". He was so greedy with power he sacarficed his own daughter to keep it. King Agamemnon is very very greedy.

Calchas:"...Calchas the prophet..."(p.28).

"...calchas the prophet..." was also Agamemnon's soothsayer. When he saw who Agamemnon must sacrifice he didnt want to tell him but Agamemnon insisted and eventully made him tell. Agamemnon said he would just wait but eventully he did what calchas said.

Protesilaus:"...pierced through his shield and his breast plate..."(p.46).

Antenor:"Old Antenor held the staff of the speaker..."(p.35).

Aeneas:"...son to the goddes Aphrodite..."(p.37).

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Zeus:"...rulerof gods and men"(p.3).

Thetis:"...as hard to catch as the sun on the dancing water"(p.3-p.4).

Peleus:"...a stately marriage feast for thetis and peleus..."(p.4).

Hera:"there was stately Herea, queen of the gods..."(p.6).

Athene:"...gray eyed athene stood before him in her simple dress"(p.8).

Aphrodite:"...white feet grew heavily-scented narcissi and golden daffodills"(p.10).

Priam:"what is the life of one child..."(p.6).

Hecuba:"...queen Hecuba..."(p.6).

Paris:"...yellow hair clusterd from beneth it round brown face..."(p.12).

Discord:"...the evil goddess, dark discord..."(p.4).